• FAQ-bubble

    The vulcanization temperature is too high, the extrusion pressure is insufficient, the filter is clogged, etc., which may lead to the appearance of bubbles.

  • FAQ-The surface of the product is dull and dull

    Highly filled rubber compounds lead to high friction resistance, so reducing the extrusion speed or removing the filter are more effective solutions.

  • FAQ-Product deformation

    Product deformation is a problem that needs to be paid attention to when extruding silicone strips. Since the mold extrudes the product from the middle part through the hole shape, if the temperature, pressure and extrusion speed are not strictly controlled, the deformation rate of the product will increase.

  • FAQ-Product surface embrittlement

    The temperature of the hot air in the drying tunnel is too high or the product stays in the hot air for a long time.

  • 022-27364128